1 min read

I don't trust words, I trust action.

I don't trust words, I trust action.
Sunrise somewhere over the Bavarian countryside (4th Nov 2016, taken by K)


In the end it's the only thing that actually makes any difference to anything, in any circumstance, ever.

That's a lesson that has taken me a long time to learn.

In the past I placed far too much value on talking a good game, lofty intentions, chest thumping passion etc - both my own and from others.

Friendships have failed because of a lack of action.

Business relationships have failed because of a lack of action.

I ended a mentor:mentee relationship because the mentee always talked a good game but consistently failed to act on their "commitments".

If I'd just observed their lack of action and ignored the noise coming out of their mouth, I would have saved myself a LOT of wasted time and energy.

Now I've learned to pay a lot less attention to what I tell myself I'm going to do or what others tell me they're going to do.

I don't trust words, I trust action.

Sunrise somewhere over the Bavarian countryside (4th Nov 2016, taken by K)
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