I don't trust words, I trust action.

In the end it's the only thing that actually makes any difference to anything, in any circumstance, ever.
That's a lesson that has taken me a long time to learn.
In the past I placed far too much value on talking a good game, lofty intentions, chest thumping passion etc - both my own and from others.
Friendships have failed because of a lack of action.
Business relationships have failed because of a lack of action.
I ended a mentor:mentee relationship because the mentee always talked a good game but consistently failed to act on their "commitments".
If I'd just observed their lack of action and ignored the noise coming out of their mouth, I would have saved myself a LOT of wasted time and energy.
Now I've learned to pay a lot less attention to what I tell myself I'm going to do or what others tell me they're going to do.
I don't trust words, I trust action.

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